Friday, June 27, 2014

Sweet Potato Salad

Sweet Potato Salad is a lovely surprise as as the summer months heat up. The RQ was inspired by  The Red Fern,  a local Rochester restaurant that serves an extraordinary vegan cuisine! The RQ created her own version of the potato salad and served it on a bed of purple kale salad, which is both pleasing to the eyes and satisfying to the palate! (Recipe below.)

The Red Queen's Sweet Potato Salad
(serves 4)

1 large yam (cut into hearty bite-size pieces and steamed)
1/4 red onion, diced
2 celery stalks, cut on bias
1 Tblsp fresh dill, chopped
1/2 cup safflower Vegenaise
1 tsp Dijon Mustard
salt & pepper to taste

Carrot Chopper made an excellent fingerling potato salad last weekend AND reminded The RQ to STEAM the potatoes to get the most nutrients! Guess what, the potatoes turn out perfectly; not at all mushy. Steaming only takes about 10-15 minutes! Spread the steamed potato chunks on a plate to cool and prepare the remaining veggies and dressing. Throw it all in one bowl, smash and Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sweet Chocolatey Treats

Tasty Mini Brownies
Carrot Chopper is wickedly creative with a mini-muffin pan! Featured here are moist chocolatey brownies, recipe by the minimalist baker! Remember to adjust time and temperature for smaller muffin cups!

The RQ must take a moment to talk about the many treats her vegan daughter creates! This past weekend P<, CC, and The RQ ALL enjoyed an endless supply of Chocolate-Almond and Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cups~and, yes, made in a mini-muffin pan! From mixing bowl to freezer Hershey's Reese's Cups, "eat your heart out!" Check out Juli Bauer's Easy Chocolate Butter Almond Cups! CC substituted peanut butter & shredded coconut for one round of cups~YUM!
If you're not yet convinced to dig that mini-muffin pan out of the cupboard, take a look at these scrumptious Zucchini-Chocolate Chip Muffins! CC adapted the original recipe by substituting 1/4 cup applesauce for an egg and 1/4 cup coconut milk  instead of dairy milk.
Imagine P< and The RQ waking up on a weekend morning to the aroma of freshly baked muffins! CC had them artfully displayed and ready for devouring!

And although the zucchini muffins featured here are not chocolate, CC recommends the following two recipes: Zucchini Brownies and Zucchini Brownies-2.

The RQ and P< THANK Carrot Chopper for keeping them "fat and happy!"

Monday, June 23, 2014

Indian Rice and Spinach Salad

 Indian Rice with Mung Dahl and a Coconut Curry Sauce
Spinach Salad with Roasted Beets with Balsamic Vinaigrette
Meet Lisa Barnes, a Natural Chef, and grab this delicious Salad recipe!