Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Together Traveling!

Yesterday my mom and I left Rochester to begin out journey to Colorado. We traveled about 80 miles and stopped in Buffalo to have half a cup of tea and an english muffin with my sister carrot chopper and then we continued our journey to Cincinnati, Ohio. Before I left I was instructed to take lots of pictures during my journey....but the drive down to Cincinnati isn't exactly filled with beautiful scenery...but we did see a few things that caught out attention like the corn husk tepees above and then we saw this sign below...
Work Zone. Speeding. Fines doubled. Causes death or injury. Fine Jail. In New York state this sign would simply say fines doubled in work zone...but here in Ohio they go a little deeper into your future if you speed in a work zone. The first sign I saw like this the last line was Results in Prison. For some reason that was a little funnier than Fine/Jail. But I was laughing too hard I couldn't react fast enough to get a picture. This one was snagged right after we left Columbus. And we were not speeding! Other signage that we saw in Ohio was this one below...interesting. Welcome to Ohio! We will be here until Thursday eating eating and taking pictures of food! And then we leave for Kansas City on Thursday! Happy Tuesday!


  1. I will not be summoned to Ohio to bail you two out of Jail!

  2. If you can't rely on immediate family to bail you out, you can always call the in-laws on Sibley Rd......
