Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Air Force Academy

As you know I had visitors last week Nicole and Lauren. There we all are on the lower left! One afternoon they picked me up from work around 3pm and we headed up to the Air Force Academy. I was told to visit the academy by my former roommate and I wasn't really sure why. Once I was there I realized how cool the 1960s architecture of the chapel was. We walked up to the chapel from the nature path and stood in front of this towering structure in aw. Once inside it was truly amazing to see the light bounce off of the glass panels. I wonder what it sounds like inside the chapel when it rains! The pitter patter on the glass must be amazing! Then we headed out side for revelry and the flag lowering. What a great experience!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have been there! Imagine too the choir singing...
