Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mountain Burger

On our way to Breckenridge we were discussing what we wanted to do for dinner that evening...if we wanted to stay in Breckenridge and grab dinner in town or get something on the way back from skiing. Then the conversation shifted to what did we want to eat. Well after skiing all I ever want is a burger so I suggested that we get burgers. Then I was introduced to Mountain Burger. So after our amazing day skiing we headed to Mountain Burger. Yes, Mountain Burger is half gas station half diner. And 100% delicious! When we walked in the first thing I noticed were the huge buns and the huge bottles of ketchup and mustard! Then I was instructed not to order the Double Mountain Burger because we'd be there all day and then I'd be sick on the way home. So I ordered a Regular Mountain Burger! It was huge and I ate the whole thing! This was definitely a local secret and I'm so happy they let me in on it!

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