Saturday, March 17, 2012

Semi-Raw Dining

As DD often does, adapting a recipe to what is on hand or what might satisfy a craving is vital to the JOY of time spent cooking. Although Gram's sauteed mushrooms were an added element, the original recipe called for mushrooms and kalamata olives in the ravioli. I cheated tonight for a quick meal and used frozen. The raviolis are cooked, of course, but surprisingly tossed in a raw sauce of parsley, lemon juice, & pistachios. Both the main dish and the side salad of julienned zucchini, carrots, and red peppers tossed in a raw tomato sauce, are compliments of Sarma Melngailis' Living Raw Food cookbook.

Pure Food and Wine is Melngailis' Manhattan restaurant that is on DD's list of must try. The owner and chefs are clearly creative, but equally important, appear to emphasize the diner's experience. DD 's hunch is that eating healthfully and being in utter bliss appear to be the restaurant's aim.

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